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Why Is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy So Hot Right Now?

People who have experienced a severe injury or illness, such as a stroke, are encouraged to get stem cells from their own skin. The therapy is known as platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP), and it’s growing in popularity thanks to studies that show the treatment can help patients recover faster and with less pain.

The procedure involves taking blood from the patient and then spinning it in a centrifuge to separate out platelets. These are added back into the blood along with growth factors and other substances that promote healing. The finished product is injected into the injured area.

The benefits of platelet plasma therapy are two-fold: it helps heal damaged tissue, and it can also help speed up recovery time by stimulating cell growth and proliferation. For example, if someone has suffered a stroke, the brain cells that die off due to lack of oxygen may be replaced by new ones if they’re given PRP therapy before the cells die off completely — this is called neuroregeneration.

Why is PRP Gaining Popularity Over Time?

Platelet plasma rich therapy has become so popular because it offers you a chance to improve your health without the use of pills and other drugs. If you are interested in trying PRP therapy, then you should know that this type of treatment can help you achieve your ideal weight, increase your energy levels and boost your immunity.

Many people are interested in platelet plasma therapy because it seems like a perfect solution for those who want to lose weight but don’t want to take any pills or other drugs. However, there is more to this treatment than just losing weight. In fact, there are many benefits associated with PRP therapy that can help improve your overall health and well-being.

Here are the five reasons why Platelet plasma rich therapy has become so popular:

  • It’s non-invasive

Since PRP therapy doesn’t involve surgery, you won’t have to undergo any painful incisions or recover from anesthesia. The procedure also doesn’t require stitches since it only uses your own blood.

  • It’s Safe & Effective

PRP therapy is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that uses your own blood to stimulate the growth of new hair follicles. The treatment has been proven to be effective in treating both male and female pattern baldness, thinning hair, alopecia, and other forms of hair loss. The procedure can even be used on patients who already have thinning or balding areas of their scalp because it allows doctors to treat only the areas where hair loss is occurring.

  • It Can Be Performed Quickly & Easily

The procedure itself takes only 20 minutes and requires no downtime afterward unless you decide to get injections as well (which is optional). You can also choose whether you want one or two sessions of treatment at once or spread them out over time if you prefer so that you don’t have to go back to work right after each session.

  • It’s All About The Blood

Platelet plasma rich therapy uses your own (autologous) blood to stimulate healing at the site of injury or injury. Blood contains platelets and other proteins that help repair damaged tissue, which can lead to faster recovery from injuries like torn ligaments or tendons, Achilles tendonitis, and patellar tendonitis.

  • You Can Get Results Right Away

Since you’re using your own blood, there’s no waiting around for a lab to process it before you get treated. You’ll see results within days of your first treatment session, and they’ll continue to improve over the next few weeks as your body heals itself naturally without surgery or other invasive procedures.

The Most Common Areas Where PRP Therapy Is Used

Platelet plasma therapy treatments are typically used for cosmetic issues like hair loss, wrinkles, and scars. They can also be used to treat medical conditions such as arthritis and chronic pain.

The most common areas where Platelet plasma rich therapy is used include:

  • Scalp Hair Loss Treatment

platelet plasma therapy

PRP helps stimulate and increase blood flow to the scalp to promote hair loss treatment . It also stimulates stem cells in the scalp and promotes faster healing after a hair transplant surgery.

  • Hair Growth Treatment

PRP is injected directly into the scalp to help stimulate new hair growth and prevent further hair loss in patients suffering from alopecia areata, male-pattern baldness, and female-pattern baldness. The injections are also used to treat acne scars, wrinkles, and stretch marks by stimulating collagen production.

  • Skin Rejuvenation

Platelets contain high levels of growth factors that can be used to improve damaged skin tissue. This allows for more collagen production, which results in smoother, younger-looking skin. Platelets can also aid in scar reduction by promoting healing and preventing infections.

  • Joint Pain Relief

PRP has been shown to provide some pain relief for arthritic joints when used in conjunction with injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This treatment relieves chronic knee pain by stimulating the growth of new tissue within the joint capsule that helps reduce inflammation and swelling.

  • Wrinkles

Platelet plasma therapy can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your face. It works by promoting collagen production in your skin, which can help keep it looking youthful.

  • Scars

If you have scarring from acne, chickenpox, or another injury that hasn’t healed properly, PRP injections may be able to help improve its appearance. They work by stimulating collagen production around the affected area so that it looks more uniform with the surrounding skin.

  • Muscle Strains

The platelets in your blood contain growth factors that can help repair injured tissues. When those platelets are separated from the rest of your blood and then injected into injured areas, they promote healing by stimulating cell growth and reducing inflammation. This can speed up recovery time for muscle strains, tendonitis, joint sprains, and other injuries around joints like knees or shoulders.

The Bottomline:

Platelet plasma rich therapy has been around for about three decades, but it only recently became widely available in clinics. It’s not a miracle treatment either, as the rate of success for its uses is about 70 percent. But that hasn’t stopped some medical professionals from touting it to be the newest and greatest thing since sliced bread.